PreDia Magnesium - Chromium - Grape Seed Supplement to Help Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar, BMI, Cholesterol & Triglyceride Levels for Prediabetes & Metabolic Syndrome Support (2 Pack)

Precio de venta$79.98 USD


Introducing PreDia, a new and revolutionary dietary supplement for people who have prediabetes & metabolic syndrome. Often diet and exercise is needed to combat these conditions. Now, PreDia is also there to help when you need it most. Powered by GSECM-50 a source of the scientifically proven dosage of abscisic acid (ABA) made of Grape seed extract, chromium and magnesium. PreDia has been shown to improve the typical markers associated with both prediabetes and metabolic syndrome when combined with an healthy lifestyle.*
  • In the United States 86 million people (approximatly 37% of the US population) have prediabetes which may evolve into T2D during their lifetimes if left untreated. Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is also considered a prediabetes equivalent.
  • Prediabetes is a condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal and, if left untreated, can result in type 2 diabetes (T2D). Prediabetes is defined by the presence of impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and/or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), two conditions where the blood sugar levels have not yet reached the treshold for T2D's onset.
  • What is PreDia - a new and revolutionary dietary supplement for people who have prediabetes & metabolic syndrome. Often diet and exercise is needed to combat these conditions. Now, PreDia is also there to help when you need it most. Powered by GSECM-50 a source of the scientifically proven dosage of abscisic acid (ABA) made of Grape seed extract, chromium and magnesium. PreDia has been shown to improve the typical markers associated with both prediabetes and metabolic syndrome when combined
  • PreDia works by controlling glycemia either by delaying or reverting the onset of impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) which are tipically associated with the prediabetic condition. PreDia's main function revolves around Abscisic acid (ABA) contained in its Grape Seed extract ingredient. Our unique and patented dosage of ABA significantly reduces fasting glycemia and glycated hemoglobin and also the glycemic profile after a meal.
  • PreDia exerts its action on glycemic control not by increasing but by reducing insulin secretion required to lower glycemia after carbohydrates intake. Studies have shown that the dose of ABA contained in PreDia can replace the insulin action by stimulating, in an insulin-independent manner,the skeletal muscle glucose uptake. The capability of saving insulin secretion to control glycemia represents the most important mode of action of PreDia.

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